Thursday, December 21, 2006

Image/natural Treatment For Adult Acne 8

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Why Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) is the Best Choice for Curing Acne

by Johnny Moon

For years the main choices in trying to treat acne have been over the counter topical medications like face cleansing pads and creams which are highly ineffective as anyone who has ever suffered through acne knows well. There is also the prescription drug Accutane which while it is very effective in treating acne it is used specifically for very bad cases of acne and it also has many negative side effects. Accutane is also very expensive. All of these reasons make Accutane not a very good choice for the vast majority of acne sufferers.

Luckily now there is a better choice. Vitamin B5. Companies like Vilantae have created capsules using vitamin B5 specifically to treat acne. Vitamin B5 works not by cleansing your skin but by stopping acne at it's source. This makes a lot more sense than topical products like ProActiv when you think about it. Topical products attempt to cleanse your skin of acne. If you are an acne sufferer you should really realize by now that acne has nothing to do with how dirty or clean your skin is. One person could wash their face once a month and have no acne and another could wash their face 20 times a day and have a face full of it. If you've been suffering from acne for a long time I bet you've been using topical pads and creams for quite some time with little to no success, am I right? I know that that could have been said about me 4 years ago before I heard about Vitamin B5 and tried it for myself. I had been using topical medications for 7 years and one day I just grew very frustrated that I could never have clear skin. I was getting pretty old by then (age 25) and it was extremely frustrating to me that I could never seem to clear my skin no matter how many topical medications I bought or how much I cleaned my face.

Vitamin B5 was a revelation for me. I got the bottles of vitamin B5 capsules and I followed the directions as far as how many to take (being as this was 4 years ago I don't remember the exact schedule.) and at first I was a bit worried about the large number of capsules that I was supposed to take but I found different ways of taking the vitamins like opening up the capsules and putting them in yogurt (my favorite trick.) I was quickly a convert of B5 because right off I noticed one of the great side effects of Vitamin B5. Yes vitamin B5 does have side effects but they are POSITIVE! I actually had a great increase in energy when I began taking B5 and it wasn't that wired dirty feeling energy that you get from diet pills or drinking too much coffee it was fresh natural feeling energy like from a really great night sleep. That was a great way to start off with it and it was literally days when I started to notice my skin clearing up.

I took Vitamin B5 for about a year and had no pimples that whole year. At that point I was taking much less vitamin B5 (I had slowly been taking less and less) and I finally decided to try and stop taking it altogether to see what would happen. I was expecting to have to take it again. But to my surprise I never did. It's now been 3 years since then and my skin is still clear. So not only did Vitamin B5 seem to treat my acne it actually seems to have CURED my acne. I hope you can see why I am such a big proponent of Vitamin B5.

I feel dumb now looking back at it, that I never tried anything else other than topical medications for 7 years! But you know that's all they show you on TV and in other advertisements. All of these big companies that sell this garbage they pass off as medication. They make a ton of money from people who are desperate to have clear skin and will keep buying the same junk even though it never does anything. They don't care that their products don't work and in fact that probably makes them better sellers because the people have to keep buying the products since they continue to have acne. See the vicious circle there and how it profits the big companies?

I've actually been reading some disinformation going around about Vitamin B5 and it's obvious to me that this is information being put out by the big companies because the last thing they want is for their to be a real acne cure. Think about this for a minute or two and you'll understand why. If acne could be cured by taking a simple vitamin that is very inexpensive do you realize how much money these companies are going to lose by no longer being able to peddle their junky topical "medications"? Billions of dollars. So please do not be swayed by any of that nonsense. Use your own sense. Realize that topical medications clearly are not the way to treat acne. Think about your own experiences with topical medications trying to treat your acne. Don't you think it's time you tried something different? Why waste another day doing the same thing you've been doing for years when it doesn't work?

Vitamin B5 Acne Treatment

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